The National Health Information Network (NHIN) may get information moving as early as the first quarter of 2009.  In its December 16th Press Release, the Social Security Administration (SSA) indicates that it will begin receiving medical records for some disability applicants via the "MedVirginia" health information exchange (HIE) based in Richmond.  

SSA and MedVirginia were also among several federal agencies and HIEs that participated in demonstrations of the national network during the 3rd annual NHIN Forum in Washington D.C., which took place this December 15-16.  Other federal agencies that are participating in the NHIN Trial Implementation include Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Veterans Administration (VA), Department of Defense (DOD) and Indian Health Service.  There are also several other state HIEs that are actively participating in the NHIN Trial Implementation, including HIE networks from Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Delaware, West Virginia. 

As I’ve posted before, New Jersey is actively working on developing its own state-wide HIE.  The New Jersey Health Information Technology (NJ HIT) Commission is charged with approving the plan for the creation of an infrastructure to move health information, in a confidential and secure manner, among participants in a state-wide RHIO.  On December 4, 2008, I participated in the first meeting of the NJ HIT Commission, which was both inspiring and daunting at the same time, with respect to the road that lies ahead.  Yet, I look forward to working together with the other Commission members during a time of potentially revolutionary changes to health care delivery in this State, and nationally.