It may not come as a surprise that Congressman Tom Price, MD (R-GA), a vocal critic of the Affordable Care Act who introduced legislation to replace it last spring, was
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Health Reform
Hobby Lobby, HIPAA and Happy Independence Day
The recent United States Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. has attorneys, pundits, policy-makers and businesses (yes, corporations are people, too) pondering big, quintessentially American…
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Sixty Days or Sixty Minutes – What is Your Breach Reporting Deadline?
If you are a federally-facilitated health insurance exchange (FFE), a “non-Exchange entity”, or a State Exchange, the answer is “Quick, report!” Those involved with the new health insurance exchanges (or…
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William Maruca Writes in on the Supreme Court, the ACA and Small Business
On June 25, 2012, William Maruca, Esq., the Editor of this blog and a health law partner at Fox Rothschild LLP, published an article on, in which he highlights the likely impact on small business owners of the numerous possible Supreme Court rulings in the pending Accountable Care Act case.
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HIPAA and HIT Changes in Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Buried in the 906 pages of the healthcare reform bill signed into law on March 22 are a number of changes that will have an impact on health information technology. Among…
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