In a post on February 28, Fox associate Kristen Marotta discussed the privacy and security issues arising from the growing use of telemedicine, particularly for mental health treatment. Now
Continue Reading A Movement to Consider: Telepsychiatry in New York State
Fox Rothschild LLP
Perks and Tips for the Recent Medical Graduate: Telemedicine and HIPAA
Kristen Marotta writes:
Many believe that educated millennials are choosing to work in urban, rather than rural areas, during their early career due to societal milestones being steadily pushed…
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Florida Supreme Court Rules That Privacy Continues After Death
On November 9, the Florida Supreme Court ruled in the case of Emma Gayle Weaver, etc. v. Stephen C. Myers, M.D., et al., that the right to privacy under…
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Washington State Passes Law Restricting Commercial Collection, Storage and Use of Biometric Data
On July 23, 2017, Washington State will become the third state (after Illinois and Texas) to statutorily restrict the collection, storage and use of biometric data for commercial purposes. The…
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A Checklist to Get Ready for the HIPAA Audits (Part 2)
Jessica Forbes Olson and T.J. Lang write:
In Part 1, we noted that on March 21, 2016, the Office of Civil Rights (“OCR”) announced it will launch a second…
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HIPAA Audits: Ready or Not Here They Come! (Part 1)
Jessica Forbes Olson and T.J. Lang write:

On March 21, 2016, the Office of Civil Rights (“OCR”) announced it…
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Why Can’t I Sue Under HIPAA for a Breach of my Protected Health Information? What Can I Do?
Many people who have been in the unfortunate situation where they believe that their protected health information (PHI) has been compromised inappropriately, are often surprised and deeply disappointed to learn that the HIPAA law does not provide a “private right of action.”…
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HHS Releases Excellent Compendium of Privacy and Security Resources
The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) released today a compendium of reports on state law, business practices, and policy variations to assist health information exchange efforts. I reviewed some of the…
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Answers to Burning EHR Questions
Do you have questions about selecting, implementing and using an Electronic Health Record (EHR), including:
- What do you need to consider when selecting an EHR?
- What is "meaningful use
Certifying EHRs for “Meaningful Use”
On November 2, 2009, the Texas-based Drummond Group Inc. announced in a Press Release that it will submit to become a certifying body upon the release of the Office of the…