As if compliance with the various federal privacy and data security standards weren’t complicated enough, we may see state courts begin to import these standards into determinations of privacy actions
Continue Reading Connecticut Supreme Court Decision Depicts Rubik’s Cube of Federal and State Privacy and Security Compliance

LabMD, Inc. CEO Michael J. Daugherty continues to doggedly defend LabMD against an action brought by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against LabMD based on Section 5 of the FTC
Continue Reading Cyber-Sleuth or Cyber-Thief? LabMD Case Continues to Expose the Good, the Bad, and the Downright Ugly in Cyber-Security Developments

Readers of this blog know that we have been tracking the FTC’s recent data security enforcement activities with a particular focus on the FTC v. LabMD case.  As reported by
Continue Reading Risky (Health Care) Business: Disclosure of FTC Data Security Enforcement Potential to Investors and Other Third Parties