When I need to travel from the southern part of NJ to northern NJ, I often rely on my car or phone GPS and the relative ease and simplicity of
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Health IT
Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: How Not to Defend Against Fraud Allegations
If your hospital is being raked over the coals in the media for alleged fraudulent billing, it’s understandable to want to set the record straight. However, releasing patient information without…
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HIPAA Holidays – 5010 Enforcement and Stage 2 HITECH Compliance Extensions
We all know how those year-end deadlines sneak up on us and how there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. Well, here’s some welcome news – The…
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What’s HIT, Doc?
Need to educate the public about health information technology? How about an animated cartoon? According to an article entitled When Health IT Meets Bugs Bunny in Information Week Healthcare, ONC is seeking bids …
Selecting A Practice Management System? AMA/MGMA Toolkit May Help
Looking to buy or upgrade your scheduling, billing and collection software? Want to make sure what you’re buying meets the latest HIPAA electronic standard transaction criteria and is able to handle the new ICD-10…
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HIPAA and HIT Changes in Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Buried in the 906 pages of the healthcare reform bill signed into law on March 22 are a number of changes that will have an impact on health information technology. Among…
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Pennsylvania “QUICKSTEPS” Program to apply $10 Million in Federal Funds Toward Promotion of Pediatric EHR
Pennsylvania, get ready for another acronym: "QUICKSTEPS" (Quality Improvement and Care for Kids through Electronic Programs). This is the state’s new five-year pediatric EMR initiative, funded by the U.S. …
Certifying EHRs for “Meaningful Use”
On November 2, 2009, the Texas-based Drummond Group Inc. announced in a Press Release that it will submit to become a certifying body upon the release of the Office of the…
Governance Considerations from HIT for the Board and Other Hospital Stakeholders – The Need for an IT Champion to Serve as a Link between IT Personnel and Other Stakeholders – Installment 7
This is the seventh installment in a series of blog posts that relate to the governance concerns surrounding developments in HIPAA, HITECH and HIT.
For a number of months this…
Distressed Hospital Survival Through HIT?
[Installment 6 – Governance Considerations from HIT for the Board and Other Hospital Stakeholders]
On August 4, 2009 the Associated Press reported at http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-08-04-electronic-medical-records_N.htm that Sac-Osage Hospital, a 47-bed hospital …