Five members of Congress are co-signers of a bipartisan letter dated December 2, 2011, addressed to the Director of the TRICARE Management Authority to express the Congress members’ “deep concerns about a major breach of personally identifiable and protected health information by TRICARE contractor Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC).”
Continue Reading Congressional Inquiry or Autopsy for SAIC Breach Disaster? – Part 5
Michael Kline
A Matter of Trust: Where is your Protected Health Information?
By Elizabeth G. Litten on
We need to trust the keepers of our PHI so that, whether PHI is in the cloud or on a server, in a thumb drive or on a hard drive, only those who have a right and a need to access it can and will do so.
Continue Reading A Matter of Trust: Where is your Protected Health Information?
PHI: What Can a Provider Do to “Insure” Against a Security Breach?
By Elizabeth G. Litten on
A type of relatively new insurance coverage may be an option for those who worry that even airtight, well-implemented policies and procedures may not be enough to protect a healthcare provider against financial losses from a PHI security breach.
Continue Reading PHI: What Can a Provider Do to “Insure” Against a Security Breach?