The recent United States Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. has attorneys, pundits, policy-makers and businesses (yes, corporations are people, too) pondering big, quintessentially American
Continue Reading Hobby Lobby, HIPAA and Happy Independence Day
Embarrassing Fact: Few Seem to Understand HIPAA or the ACA (at least when it comes to individual health coverage to be purchased on an Exchange)
By Elizabeth G. Litten on
I read a recent post by Rick Ungar (“Claims That Obamacare Website Violates Health Privacy Reveals Embarrassing Fact – GOP Does Not Understand HIPAA or Obamacare”) that revealed a…
Continue Reading Embarrassing Fact: Few Seem to Understand HIPAA or the ACA (at least when it comes to individual health coverage to be purchased on an Exchange)